Country Total IP Address Percentage
Sweden 833,870 97.4329%
United States of America 11,684 1.3652%
Australia 2,816 0.3290%
Japan 1,792 0.2094%
China 1,772 0.2070%
India 1,533 0.1791%
Canada 1,024 0.1196%
Denmark 288 0.0337%
Hong Kong 256 0.0299%
Norway 256 0.0299%
Finland 256 0.0299%
Italy 128 0.0150%
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 80 0.0093%
Singapore 40 0.0047%
France 16 0.0019%
Pakistan 16 0.0019%
Cayman Islands 8 0.0009%
Cambodia 4 0.0005%
Greece 1 0.0001%